Trauma-Informed Coaching

A coaching practice that integrates an understanding of the impact of trauma inside of a collaborative container that views the client and the practitioner as partners, empowering clients as the subject matter experts of their own lives.

Trauma-informed care is a framework that emphasizes understanding and responsiveness to trauma’s effects—prioritizing the safety and well-being of both partners, creating opportunities for clients to regain a sense of empowerment, and ensuring that clients receive the support they need in making any shifts to which they have committed.

1 Comment

  1. While a big part of my work is as a trauma-informed leadership coach, I want to invite and encourage you to comment below if you are a certified practitioner—or if you would recommend the certified practitioner you work(ed) with, any specializations they may focus on, and the most impactful part of your work together. Let’s share resources from far and wide to support others in their search for the right trauma-informed coach.


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