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2024: The Year of the Great Wake-Up?

2024: The Year of the Great Wake-Up?

As we stand at the edge of 2024, a year that holds the promise of a collective awakening, the importance of prioritizing mental wellness and engaging in inner work has never been clearer. Let this be the year when individuals, leaders, and communities find each other and co-create new cultural norms that value emotional well-being, paving the way for a brighter and more compassionate future for us all.

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Prioritizing Play and the Quest for a Freedom-Focused Mindset

Prioritizing Play and the Quest for a Freedom-Focused Mindset

Philosophy has been saying it for years, but now science and our health experts also back up the theory about leading a more integrated life: we need to play more as adults. COVID, the light shone on systemic racism and the polarity of the presidential election provided us an opportunity to reevaluate many things in our lives. If we continuously decide and convey our values by what we choose to prioritize, what kind of life are you living?

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