Sharing Plates:
Therapeutic + Integrative Modalities
Better understand the various types of therapeutic and integrative work that can be done in a one-on-one container—including trauma-informed professionals, therapies, bodywork, energy work, and spiritual assistance available for your healing journey.
Integrative medicine technique to influence energy flow.
Ancestral Lineage Healing
An energy work practice that empowers you to connect, repair, and nurture relationships with your ancestors.
Animal Assisted Therapy
Therapeutic presence of trained animals for comfort, companionship, and connection.
Art Therapy
Expressive therapy, aided by a therapist, using art mediums for self-exploration, emotional processing, and personal transformation.
Craniosacral Therapy
Gentle technique used to release tension in the central nervous system.
Emotion Code Therapy (ECT)
An energy-based therapy that is used to quickly and easily identify and release trapped emotional energy.
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)
Resolving trauma and emotional distress through guided attention and stimulation.
Also called salt therapy, as clients breath in air infused with tiny salt particles for a range of health benefits.
Internal Family Systems (IFS)
Harmonizing different parts of the self with compassion.
Self-expression through writing, audio notes, or video recordings for reflection, growth, and emotional well-being.
Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction
Cultivating present-moment awareness to manage stress and develop resilience.
Nahua Indigenous Healing
Traditional practice using herbs, rituals, and spiritual guidance for harmony and vitality.
Past Life Regression
A technique that attempts to use hypnosis to recover memories from previous lives.
Rapid Resolution Therapy®
Allows for instant and lasting change by addressing conflicts in the unconscious mind.
Japanese energy healing for balance, relaxation, and overall well-being.
Shadow Work / Inner Child Healing
The integration of suppressed emotions and unresolved traumas for personal wholeness.
Spiritual Psychotherapy
The integration of psychological techniques with personal spiritual beliefs to enhance emotional healing, personal growth, and a deeper connection with the self and the broader universe.
Time Line Therapy®
Therapeutic process evolved from Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and hypnosis.